Keeping with my one design per act policy*, how do you choose from 50+ years of material?! With great difficulty, I’ve discovered.
Clearly I was up all night featuring a black star in a song called ‘Blackstar’. As with anything Bowie, it’s all been analysed to within an inch of its life – probably more so due to the swansong nature of the whole album. The candle means he’s dying, ‘√òrmen’ means ‘serpent’ in Norwegian and is an actual place in Norway where Dave had a holiday home. He wrote a lot of this album there, as it goes. On an old piano made out of pentagrams.
Obviously that’s not true. Or even possible. But hey, everyone has an opinion with artists as mysterious as this, so I’m chucking my own nonsense in.
Definitely kickstarted the massacre that was 2016, though.
* Breached this several times. Sorry, everyone.